The Condition of Intercollegiate Athletics in Korea
Jong Geon Lim
11(1) 1-12, 2017
The Condition of Intercollegiate Athletics in Korea
Jong Geon Lim
The purpose of this review is to gather and evaluate existing studies relevant to the topic of describing the goal of Korean college sports and exploring the current status of intercollegiate athletics in Korea. This paper analyzes the goal of intercollegiate athletics in the United States and compared it to the conclusions of studies based on Korean college sports. The goal of Korean intercollegiate athletics appeared to be similar to a conception of American intercollegiate athletics that the ideal goal for athletics should be educational. The following discusses the current status of college sports in Korea and explores possible reform measures.
Key Words
Intercollegiate athletics, Korea, Goal, the United States, Role, Status
Effect of Carbohydrate Ingestion on Blood Glucose Concentration and Women’s Gymnastics Performance
Trisha Rebrovich , Gary Babjack , Yomee Lee , James F. Hokanson
11(1) 13-28, 2017
Effect of Carbohydrate Ingestion on Blood Glucose Concentration and Women’s Gymnastics Performance
Trisha Rebrovich , Gary Babjack , Yomee Lee , James F. Hokanson
The intent of this study was to report the effect of carbohydrate (CHO) ingestion during a women’s collegiate gymnastics competition on: 1) Blood glucose concentration; 2) Post-competition respiratory exchange ratio; 3) Gymnastics performance score. Thirteen college division three (D III) gymnasts volunteered to participate in a two-trial (placebo and CHO supplement) within-subjects study involving the ingestion of 120 ml of a 6.5% CHO solution and a placebo matched for volume, electrolyte content, color and flavor at 20-minute intervals during pre-season competition. Resting and recovery oxygen consumption (VO2), and respiratory exchange ratio (R-value) were measured using Douglas bag technique. Oxygen consumption was significantly greater during recovery, yet independent of drink. Blood glucose was measured at six time points with fingertip venous blood sample and an Ascensia Contour Monitor. Rate of increase blood glucose was greater with CHO supplementation. Blood glucose was 19% greater in the second and third interval and 21% greater in the fourth interval with CHO. Competition scores were not significantly different between condition, although average floor score was 0.30 better in the carbohydrate (9.17 ± 0.46) than placebo (8.87 ± 0.73) trial. This difference was close to significance (t = 2.035, df = 8, p = .076).
School-based Effects on Obesity among Adolescents in Mississippi
Taeeung Kim , Jongho Kim
11(1) 29-48, 2017
School-based Effects on Obesity among Adolescents in Mississippi
Taeeung Kim , Jongho Kim
This study investigated the effects of exercise frequency, physical education class attendance, fruit consumption, and vegetable consumption on childhood obesity by grade level, controlling for gender. Analyses were conducted using data from the 2012 Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System (YRBSS), a school-based survey in the United States. T-tests, factorial ANOVAs, and multilevel regression analyses were conducted to determine the relationships between body mass index (BMI) within a school (level 1) and the frequency of fruit consumption, vegetable consumption, exercise, and physical education class attendance, in addition to differences in those variables between schools (level 2). Exercise frequency and gender significantly predicted BMI within schools (level 1), while exercise frequency and the combination of all of the variables were the only significant predictors of BMI among all schools (level 2). Based on these results, we recommend that school-based childhood obesity intervention programs should include and promote a variety of physical activities.
Policy Development of Pre-Participatory Screening Procedure for Fitness Industry
Ramon Luis Sodano , Yong Chae Rhee , Yukyoum Kim
11(1) 49-74, 2017
Policy Development of Pre-Participatory Screening Procedure for Fitness Industry
Ramon Luis Sodano , Yong Chae Rhee , Yukyoum Kim
Currently, there is no established policy concerning injury reduction within sport and recreation programs such as personal training, small group training, sport club participation/training, or group fitness. This poses a problem as the injury is an inherent part of these programs. The purpose of this study is to develop a consensus building model among ten experts in the field of sport and recreation via a three round Delphi study. This was done to ascertain what the proper implementation strategy may be if experts were to implement pre-participatory screening procedures as a policy for such programs. Consensus - 80% of the experts' votes falling between 2 points on a 7-point Likert scale - was reached on a series of factors which illustrated that the experimental implementation model of the Ambiguity-Conflict Model of policy implementation would be most appropriate. Factors included: sport managers having a shared goal in wanting to reduce injury, that this goal was rooted in protecting and benefiting the participant, that the means to achieve this goal are ambiguous, and that there is no conflict amongst managers in wanting to identify a means to achieve this goal.
The Effect of Randomizing the Order of Practice Trials in the Dyad Practice of a Golf Putting
Young-gyu Ko , Kellie Green Hall
11(1) 75-85, 2017
The Effect of Randomizing the Order of Practice Trials in the Dyad Practice of a Golf Putting
Young-gyu Ko , Kellie Green Hall
Shea, Wulf, & Whitcare (1999) demonstrated that practicing in dyad resulted in more increase in learning efficiency and effectiveness than practicing individually when the observational and physical practice were alternated on each trial and dialog was inserted between practice trials. Alternating observational and physical practice and inserting dialog engaged the learner more in the active problem-solving process of learning than practicing individually. The present study investigated the effect of dyad practice when the order of observational and physical practice trials was randomized and no dialog was included. Thirty-six participants were asked to putt the ball as close to the target (5 m away) as possible. Actual distance (in cm) from the target was measured as a performance score. Participants performed 30 acquisition trials and 10 retention trials 24 hour later. Participants were randomly assigned to one of three experimental conditions. In the individual condition participants practiced the task individually. In the dyad-alternate condition one person practiced the task while the other observed on each trial. In the dyad-random order condition the order of observational and physical practice trials was randomized. The results indicated that the dyad-alternate condition did not result in better learning than the individual condition. However, the dyad-random order condition revealed significantly better retention performance than the individual condition. These findings suggest that randomizing the order of observational and physical practice trials in dyad practice causes the learners to invest more cognitive effort and to more actively engage in the problem solving processes than alternating on each trial, as a result, produces stronger learning effectiveness and efficiency.
Key Words
Dyad practice, Random practice, Motor learning
Knowledge-sharing Behaviour within Sports Online Community
Byungseok Kang
11(1) 87-120, 2017
Knowledge-sharing Behaviour within Sports Online Community
Byungseok Kang
In considering the growth of online sports business, it is important for sports stakeholders to understand the motivation for sports online consumption. There have been several studies focused on motivation for consumption of professional team sports Web sites; however, there has not been a great deal of research undertaken to investigate the motivations of non-team specific online sports community users or the factors that influence their knowledge-sharing behaviour (KSB). KSB is the process of mutually exchanging knowledge and jointly creating new knowledge (Chumg, Seaton, Cooke & Ding, 2016; van den Hooff & de Ridder, 2004). The study aims to propose and test a structural equation model that identifies relationships between variables that affect the KSB within an ESOC. Data was collected from 20 ESOCs devoted to triathlons, running, cycling, and swimming. Consistent with previous research on KSB research (Gagne, 2009; Pavlou & Fygenson, 2006), the Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB) (Ajzen, 1991) provides the underlying framework for the model. The model also proposes that sense of virtual community (SOVC) (Blanchard, 2008) is also positively associated with KSB. The result showed that intention was clearly the best predictor of actual knowledge-sharing in an ESOC. Perceived behavioural control is also a good predictor of intention to share knowledge in an ESOC, but it is not a good predictor of actual KSB in an ESOC. Attitudes about sharing knowledge in an ESOC and subjective norms were theoretically good predictors of sharing intention, but both subjective norms and sharing attitude were statistically insignificant paths.
Key Words
Knowledge sharing, Behaviour, SEM, Endurance, Sport
Effects of Once-a-week Circuit Training on Body Composition and Physical Fitness in Young Females
Yonghwan Kim , Haemi Jee
11(1) 121-132, 2017
Effects of Once-a-week Circuit Training on Body Composition and Physical Fitness in Young Females
Yonghwan Kim , Haemi Jee
Generally, exercise frequencies of more than or equal to 2 or 3 days a week for aerobic and strength exercises are recommended, respectively. However, such recommendations are difficult to maintain. Therefore, this study was conducted to observe the effects of once-a-week circuit training program on body composition and physical fitness. 22 healthy sedentary collegiate females in their twenties participated in 12-week circuit training program. Body composition and physical fitness were assessed before and after the training program. Body composition was assessed with the Bioelectrical impedance method. Physical fitness factors of vertical jump, static squat, knee push-up plus, and one-legged stance with eyes closed were also assessed. The total exercise program with duration of 80 minutes included machine weight, prep, and body weight, warm-up, and cool-down exercises with 1-minute resting period between each exercise. The results obtained at the baseline and after the program were compared via the paired t-test. As results, mean body weight and BMI (body mass index) were significantly reduced from 55.7±5.8 to 54.6±6.1kg (1.9%) and 21.4±1.4 to 21.0±1.5kg (-1.9%), respectively. Fat mass changed from 21.4±1.4kg and 20.6±2.2kg (-3.9%), respectively, without significance. All of the physical fitness factors, grip strength, vertical jump, knee push-up, static squat, and one-legged stance with eyes closed, significantly increased from 26.6±2.6 to 28.6±4.3kg (7.4%), 32.7±6.4cm to 38.9±7.3cm (18.9%), 25.5±6.6 to 47.9±12.0 (88.2%), 54.8±13.2 to 87.1±11.7 seconds (59.1%), and 43.0±17.4 to 58.8±20.4 seconds (36.6%), respectively. In conclusion, once-a-week high intensity circuit training may be beneficial for improving body composition and physical fitness factors of muscle strength and endurance.
Key Words
Circuit training, Body composition, Muscular endurance, Muscular Strength
An Exploration of the Golf Management Competencies Model
Hong Suk Choi
11(1) 133-158, 2017
An Exploration of the Golf Management Competencies Model
Hong Suk Choi
The purpose of this study was: (1) to discover the importance of needed competencies identified in the golf course directors’ analysis in diverse regions of the United States; and (2) to identify the differences in the perceived importance of management competencies among golf course directors in disparate types of golf courses (private, semi-private, and public) in the United States. A total of 391 PGA certified directors/head professionals who were in golf operation positions in PGA recognized facilities participated in this study. The Competencies of Golf Course Directors (CGCD) instrument was developed through administering the content validity process. The CGCD explained 54.5 percent of the overall variance in the solution and loaded for 11 factors consisting of 76 items. There was some consistency in the perceived importance of each competency among golf course directors. It appears that directors who are employed anywhere in the United States share perceptions of important management competencies for golf course directors.
Key Words
Golf Management, Competencies, Golf Course Director, Golf Management Model
Playfulness’ Influences on Leisure Lifestyle in Female High School Students
Hyoung-kil Kang , Seok Min Shin
11(1) 159-170, 2017
Playfulness’ Influences on Leisure Lifestyle in Female High School Students
Hyoung-kil Kang , Seok Min Shin
A paucity of leisure research has addressed the relationship between playfulness and leisure lifestyle, and the purpose of this study is to understand how playfulness influences leisure lifestyle. A total of 600 questionnaires were administered and 26 incomplete questionnaires were excluded. As a result, a total of 574 questionnaires were used for data analysis. Correlations analysis showed that most subsets of leisure lifestyle and playfulness were intercorrelated. Multiple regression analyses showed that physical animation and mental spontaneity positively predicted reasonable plan leisure lifestyle, sensor pursue leisure lifestyle, while negatively predicted indifferent leisure lifestyle. Humor perspective and emotional fluidity negatively predicted work-centered leisure lifestyle and sensory pursue leisure lifestyle respectively. Findings indicated that physical animation and mental spontaneity promote positive leisure lifestyle and limit negative leisure lifestyle. Theoretical and practical implications are provided in the discussion section.
Key Words
Playfulness, Leisure lifestyle, Female high school students, Leisure behaviors